8 Cara Screenshot di Laptop Windows Paling Mudah - Home Credit
7 Cara Screenshot Laptop di Windows 7, 8 dan 10 Hari ini saya akan berbagi artikel cara screenshot di Laptop pada sistem operasi Windows. Screenshot (juga kadang-kadang disebut ‘screen grab’, ‘screen dump’ atau ‘sreen capture’) adalah gambar yang diambil dari apa pun yang ada di layar, bisa berupa situs web, jendela atau hanya tampilan desktop saja. Cara Mengambil Screenshot Layar di Windows 7, 8 dan 8.1 Cara ini bertujuan untuk mengambil screenshot satu layar penuh dengan memanfaatkan kombinasi tombol windows + print screen yang ada pada keyboard. Setelah menyiapkan tampilan desktop yang ingin anda capture gambarnya, tekan tombol windows + print screen … 9 Cara Mudah Screenshot di PC/Laptop Windows 7, 8, 10 ... Nov 04, 2019 · Cara Screenshot laptop Windows 7, 8, 10; Tekan logo Windows + print screen. Cara ini dapat Anda lakukan di dalam Windows 8 Windows 8.1 ataupun Windows 10. Dengan menekan tombol di atas secara bersama dan anda akan dapat membuat tanggapan layar pada komputer anda. Nantinya seluruh tangkapan layar anda ada akan beralih ke menu folder picture. Cara screenshot laptop acer windows 8 - YouTube
I have an Acer Aspire with Windows 8 The «Print Screen» key does't work. How can I activate it ? The key is also used by «Insert» The standard method to capture the screen is by pressing the. On Windows tablets, you can take a screenshot by holding the "Windows" button and then 17 Jan 2018 Here are several ways you can take screenshots in Windows 10/8/7. Use PrtScr Pressing Win+PrtScr will capture the whole screen. Setiap langkahnya dilengkapi gambar dan support di Windows 7, 8 dan 10. Menggunakan tombol PrtSc atau Print Screen untuk mengambil screenshot pada cara screenshot laptop acer Windows 8 atau Windows 19 Dec 2011 Macs don't have a “Print Screen” button like their Windows PC keyboard counterparts, but taking screenshots from a Mac that is booted into 18 Mar 2016 print-screen-button-min. If you're using Windows 8 or 10, then it's very simple to take a screenshot using button combination. Just press the
tau cara printscreen kan? pasti mencet tombol "PrtSc" (printscreen) lalu ke paint sehabis itu di paste kan? itu mah keribetan hehe cara gampang printscreen di WINDOWS 8 dengan cara tekan lambang windows di keyboard lalu tekan juga "PrtSc" (printscreen) hasil simpan bisa di cek di folder Picture. cukup mudahkan? selamat mencoba :) Cara Print Screen di Laptop HP Elitebook 2540P - Belajar ... Lihat, pada gambar di atas adalah hasil print screen layar laptop pada tampilan desktop yang sudah saya paste di paint. Silahkan diedit atau dimanipulasi lebih lanjut. Menyimpan Hasil Print screen di paint windows 7 1. Untuk menyimpan hasilnya supaya menjadi gambar, Klik FILE seperti panah 1, kemudian klik SAVE seperti panah 2. Cara Screenshot di Laptop Windows 7 8 dan 10 - LastaFella cara screenshot di laptop windows 8 dan 10. Pada saat menekan kedua tombol tersebut, layar komputer akan berkedip yang berarti proses pengambilan screenshot sudah berhasil. Hasil tangkapan layar akan otomatis tersimpan di “Pictures (PC–> Pictures –> Screenshot)” Tombol Print Screen + Program Paint. Mengambil jepretan layar di Mac - Apple Support
Snipping tool is only included with Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Video instructions: How to capture a Screenshot in Windows 10 using the But you need to click new-snip first, then ESC on your keyboard then Print Screen.
Setiap langkahnya dilengkapi gambar dan support di Windows 7, 8 dan 10. Menggunakan tombol PrtSc atau Print Screen untuk mengambil screenshot pada cara screenshot laptop acer Windows 8 atau Windows 19 Dec 2011 Macs don't have a “Print Screen” button like their Windows PC keyboard counterparts, but taking screenshots from a Mac that is booted into 18 Mar 2016 print-screen-button-min. If you're using Windows 8 or 10, then it's very simple to take a screenshot using button combination. Just press the 7 May 2015 Taking screenshots is very similar among Windows 8.1 devices. you want, and then pick the area of your screen that you want to capture. 16 Nov 2015 How to take a screenshot on your Windows 10 Surface device Whether it's sharing a screen from a game, recording an image of your desktop, pen from one corner of the portion you want to capture to the opposite corner. A powerful screen capture tool for Windows. Postimage is a very easy to use application that was especially designed to provide you with the means of taking
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