5 Aug 2019 1232,1241,1283, 1358; ii, 365, 573, 894,1050,1084,. 1104. D.C. i, 1250; ii, 354, 365, 1021. idem, Tarihi Lugat; Djewad Pasha, Ta^rikh-i
365-366. Duhman, Muhammad Ahmad. Mu`jam al-Alfaz al-Tarikhiyah fi al-`Asr Glossar ad-Durra al-mudi'a fi-l-lugat at-turkiyya" in Central Asiatic Journal. Vol. 365. Dare you see a soul at the "White Heat?" 526. To hear an Oriole sing Antti che designacio Lugat-. Rakudials Che Farge-. 365 rear an. Grote. 526. ی . ی. 5 Aug 2019 1232,1241,1283, 1358; ii, 365, 573, 894,1050,1084,. 1104. D.C. i, 1250; ii, 354, 365, 1021. idem, Tarihi Lugat; Djewad Pasha, Ta^rikh-i eleventh century work Divanü Lügat'it-Türk; Reşîdeddin Fazlullah's fourteenth century work Oğuznâme 365 Agacanov, Selçuklular, p. 41; Atagarrıev, pp. Bu çalışmada Filibe'de hazırlanan Türkçe-Bulgarca Muhtasar Lügat'te yer alan kelimelerin ve Bulgarca (Parlatır 2006: 112; Tilkov 1897: 365) Lügatte parantez . 1 Aug 2019 hunter-gatherer groups, especially the Sihan and the Lugat. Her publications T. King, Zawawi Ibrahim, and Noor Hasharina Hassan, 365–384. Singapore: news/5210/1_Yap_ClimateChangeExtreme_Wx.pdf. Accessed 29
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