El poema ha sido mencionado por Apolodoro (Biblioteca Mitológica, libro I, 3,4); Pequeña Ilíada y el Saqueo de Troya y lo escrito por Pseudo Apolodoro.
Apollodorus, The Library (Epitome 1.12-13) Icarus and Daedalus Apollodorus, The Library (Epitome 1.12-13) Icarus and Daedalus APOLLODORUS or (pseudo-Apollodorus) is the name traditionally given to the author of a Greek work known as The Library (or Bibliotheca), a compendium of myth sourced from old Greek epic and the plays of the Tragedians. The work was traditionally ascribed to Apollodorus Apollodorus, Library, book 1, chapter 1, section 1 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. An XML version of this text is available for download, with the additional restriction that you offer Perseus any modifications you make. Perseus provides credit for all accepted changes, storing new additions in a versioning system. Apollodorus, The Library, Volume I: Books 1-3.9 | Loeb ...
APOLLODORUS, THE LIBRARY BOOK 1 - Theoi Classical Texts ... APOLLODORUS or Pseudo-Apollodorus is the name traditionally given to the author of the Greek work known as The Library or Bibliotheca, a compendium of myth sourced from old Greek epic and the plays of the Tragedians.The work was traditionally ascribed to Apollodorus of Alexandria, a Greek scholar who flourished in the C2nd B.C., but his authorship is now dismissed. Apollodorus : The library : Apollodorus ... - Internet Archive Aug 09, 2011 · Greek and English on opposite pages APOLLODORUS BIBLIOTHECA PDF
Pseudo-Apolodoro es el nombre que se da actualmente al autor del compendio sobre mitología griega titulado Biblioteca (Βιβλιοθήκη), también conocido como Biblioteca mitológica, una obra atribuida anteriormente a Apolodoro de Atenas (del siglo II a.C). No sabemos nada … Bibliotheca (Pseudo-Apollodorus) - YouTube Aug 17, 2016 · The Bibliotheca , also known as the Bibliotheca of Pseudo-Apollodorus, is a compendium of Greek myths and heroic legends, arranged in three books, generally dated to … Pseudo-Apolodoro – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre Pseudo-Apolodoro é o nome dado ao autor da Biblioteca, obra anteriormente atribuída a Apolodoro de Atenas (século II a.C.).. Nada se sabe de sua vida ou de outras obras que porventura tenha escrito. É aceito entre os estudiosos que sua obra foi escrita no século I ou II d.C. [1]. A Biblioteca é um apanhado de textos sobre mitologia grega, sendo uma das fontes mais completas sobre o assunto.
BIBLIOTECA CLÁSICA GREDOS, 85 APOLODORO BIBLIOTECA I X I KODl sobre Apolo- el epígrafe significativo de Pseudo-Apolodoro, que de en- doro.
Apollodorus - Wikipedia Apollodorus (Greek: Ἀπολλόδωρος Apollodoros) was a popular name in ancient Greece.It is the masculine gender of a noun compounded from Apollo, the … Apolodoro Biblioteca Libro I II y III en Griego 77087249-Apolodoro-Biblioteca-mitologica.pdf. Historia de la Literatura Latina - Carmen Codoñer. EJERCICIOS DE LATÍN II César (Buena) texto apolodoro PAU. Obra Poetica Leon de Greiff. APOLODORO Biblioteca mitolgica, Libro II Los trabajos de Heracles I. Primer trabajo: El len de Nemea [II 5,1], 1. 2 , 3 . P 4 5 Bibliotheca - Wikipedia Apollodori Bibliotheca Electronica – digitale geannoteerde bibliografie aangaande Apollodorus de mythograaf; De Mythologische Bibliotheek – Nederlandse vertaling door John Nagelkerken (2006) Engelse vertaling van James Frazer met parallel de Griekse tekst, in het Perseus Digital Library Project
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